Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Monsters in the Basement

There are monsters in the basement.  Well, maybe not monsters, but there is definitely a resident of some kind.  There is a long hall of numbered storage rooms under our building that correspond to the apartments above, and every time I walk down that hall to get my bike out of ours, I hear music or voices or some big ruckus.  I can't quite pinpoint behind which door the mystery tenant lies, and I doubt I'll ever find out, (since I'll be moving out in just a few days) but that doesn't stop me from walking quietly and straining both my ears and my imagination.  Might it be the estranged son or daughter of a tenant?  Or a homeless person who found an unlocked window and a radio?  I like to think it's a monster, or the boogeyman, but perhaps that's just because I never really went through that monster-under-the-bed phase of childhood.
But speaking of bikes, I feel I should give a progress report.  I am improving!  Not only am I feeling much more comfortable getting on and off my bike, but excepting a rather embarrassing mid-intersection wipeout with R's mom the other day, I have managed to go to gym (ha!), the train station, R's parents' house, and the town centre (yes I know I'm not british, but in the case of town centre/er, "re" just looks better), without falling or in any way humiliating myself.  I am quite proud.  
I am also rather proud of my developing skills in domesticity.  Since moving into this apartment, I have cooked a number full, nutritious (and some not so nutritious) meals for two.  Nothing has burned (sauf some toast I forgot in the broiler), turkey jerky has not made an appearance (for those of you who know me well...), and I have not, I repeat, have not, resorted to pasta.  Victory!  Since I have next to nothing to do while R is at work all day, I often find myself looking at foodnetwork.com, as well as various food blogs.  Chocolate&Zucchini is one of my favorites.  Interesting recipes, Paris commentary, and measurements in grams and milliliters.  I have five more days here, and then it's off to an oven-less apartment in Paris, so I'm going to try and bake as much as possible before I leave.  Tonight, for example, I shall try the toffee crunch caramel cheesecake.

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